NorthStar Jasper Campus

159 Stegall Dr.

Jasper, Ga 30143

Office- 706-253-1790

Fax- 706-253-1795

What's Happening at NorthStar?

Restorative Practices


Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning


Staggered Start Presentation

Working together to develop healthy students

Current research is emphasizing that physical and mental health are intricately related.  In order to be maximally successful at school students need 1) proper nutrition, 2) daily exercise, 3) adequate sleep, and 4) support in developing and using stress management strategies.  NorthStar is committed to working with our students and families to help provide education or support in how to make lifestyle choices that optimize a student's physical and mental well being.


Find out about our Social-Emotional Learning Programs

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