Classroom Locations

East Fannin Elementary School

1 Elementary Circle

Morganton, GA 30560

NorthStar Office- 706-258-2832 

NorthStar Fax- 706-

Fannin County Middle School

4560 Old Hwy 76

Blue Ridge, GA 30513

NorthStar Office- 706-258-2832

NorthStar Fax- 706-258-

Fannin County High School

350 Rebel Circle

Blue Ridge, GA 30513

NorthStar Office- 706-258-2832

NorthStar Fax 706-258-

What's Happening at NorthStar in Blue Ridge, GA

Restorative Practices


PBIS at NorthStar

At NorthStar, we use the CARE acronym to help students focus on important prosocial values. 

C- Compassion

A- Accountability

R- Respect

E- Engagement

Focusing on these school-wide values helps our students learn to get along with others and do their best with their work and behavior. 

Working together to develop healthy students

Current research is emphasizing that physical and mental health are intricately related.  In order to be maximally successful at school students need 1) proper nutrition, 2) daily exercise, 3) adequate sleep, and 4) support in developing and using stress management strategies.  NorthStar is committed to working with our students and families to help provide education or support in how to make lifestyle choices that optimize a student's physical and mental well being.



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