NorthStar Dalton Campus

3264 Cleveland Hwy

Dalton, GA 30721

Office- 706-271-2684

Fax 706-271-

PBIS at NorthStar

At NorthStar, we use the CARE acronym to help students focus on important prosocial values. 

C- Compassion

A- Accountability

R- Respect

E- Engagement

Focusing on these school-wide values helps our students learn to get along with others and do their best with their work and behavior.  

Social Emotional Skill Development

Students at NorthStar get lots of teaching and practice in how to manage their own emotions and get along with other people.  This happens through social skills instruction, instruction in emotional regulation skills, and in individual and group counseling that targets each students specific needs.  


Find out more about our Social Emotional Learning Programs

Call To Action

An instruction to the audience to provoke an immediate response, usually using an imperative verb such as buy now, find out more or visit a store today.

What's Happening at NorthStar?

Restorative Practices



50% Complete

Two Step

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